A Moment. / by Taylor Gillen


A switch had just flipped within me.

A feeling that I never knew existed began to spread like wildfire throughout my entity as its light swallowed up everything in its path.

But that's just the thing.

It wasn't a beam of warmth, but rather much darker than that. A shadow, perhaps, sucking the color out of everything that was once so bright, burying my optimistic perspective beneath a heap of negativity; unfamiliar territory to cross into. 

As much as I fought to fully extinguish the raging flames that were leaving bits of the old me behind in charred crisps, it was stronger. I just built up a wall to contain it, but that which I had left was a very minimal portion of my being.

There were two voices in my head now, one a whisper and one a shout, but they were both mine.

I was living a double life from within.

This was the new me.