Where does a story begin?
With scribbles of “Once Upon A Time…”?
I believe it can delve deeper than that,
Bringing about an individual an aura quite sublime.
There can be more than one rewrite of a life lived,
And each beginning doesn’t necessarily signalize a start;
It may sometimes mean the closing of one chapter,
But this all derives from the deepest corners of your heart.
My pages are infinite like the stars in the night sky,
Each one meticulously crafted through each day of existence.
There are some that are lived on a mindless setting
And others on high alert with no resistance.
On paper, I’m a civil engineer with three specializations.
I minored in math since that seemed right to do.
But my passion is found in my journalism background,
My preferred answer to “Who Are You?”
I’m a philanthropist, environmentalist, and zoophilist
That loves with every fiber of my human being.
I care too deeply and preach kindness whole-heartedly,
Placing emphasis on my senses that extend far beyond seeing.
This world has more to offer than meets the eye,
And I don’t think a truer statement has ever been said.
We can get lost in the myths and tales mumbled about these places,
But these observations expand vaster than any story you may have read.
It’s important to immerse yourself in the environment itself;
This fully gives you a grasp of what the world has to offer around you.
There are endless possibilities of things to be discovered,
From the greenest of lands to the darkest of blues.
Travel unlocks doors that you never knew were closed;
The keys to them lay in the discomfort you may feel.
Growth derives from change, whether that be physical or mental,
And it’s a blessing to be able to capture these on a camera reel.
There is magic in a photograph that can teleport you anywhere.
It can grant a viewer their own unique take on what you saw.
It’s all a matter of perception in what a person needs in the moment;
The important thing is that they stay captivated by it in awe.
No matter how magnificent or simple a shot may be,
It can still motivate a person to get out there and explore.
This doesn’t necessarily mean one must venture across the globe
Because there is even beauty just beyond the threshold of your door.
It’s been a dream of mine to live on the road and seek out new adventures.
This journey could provide access to achieve ultimate happiness in life.
Leaving an abundance of tangible objects behind will free space for pure joy;
Being one with the wind and the woods will eliminate any residue of strife.
So I’m ready to see what quarantine has done for our national parks.
I have a feeling that they’ve blossomed during this time.
At last, I can make nature my new office space of inspiration
And leave this tedious desk life of mine far, far behind.